This webinar originally aired on 6 February, 2019. 

Although billions of public and private dollars are invested in fisheries every year, more often than not, sustainability is neither the driver nor the intended outcome of those investment dollars. Launched at the World Ocean Summit 2018, the Principles for Investment in Sustainable Wild-Caught Fisheries provide investors with the realities and opportunities of wild-caught fisheries, while also generating confidence that building environmental and social sustainability into fisheries projects will yield a strong return on their investment. The Principles cover everything from data-poor fisheries to human rights and food security, and are designed to align with the UN Principles of Responsible Investment and help advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Since their release, the Principles have garnered commitments from more than two dozen investors, project developers, philanthropies and conservation organizations, and we are eager to grow this network of influential actors and practitioners to help spur global sustainability for fisheries and fishing communities. For more information visit

Presented by: Tim Fitzgerald of EDF and Alex Markham of Encourage Capital. 

Webinar hosted by the EBM Tools Network (co-coordinated by OCTO and NatureServe).
