Dear MEAM readers,

So the presidential election in the United States has us thinking…. The time scales at which ocean issues develop and can be addressed (e.g., sea level rise, ocean acidification, coral bleaching, loss of biodiversity) often stretch over decades – or centuries – whereas political cycles and management regimes often last for only a few years. How does the disconnect between the time scales of problem development and policy response affect your work? Are good projects abandoned or never even started? Have you found ways to keep working towards long-term solutions despite shifting governance and priorities? Do you have any suggestions for other conservation/management practitioners dealing with these issues?

We would like to hear your thoughts and experiences and include them (on the record or anonymously) in our next issue of MEAM. Please send contributions of any length to by Friday, November 11, if you are willing to share your ideas with other ocean management and conservation practitioners.

Best wishes for your work,
Sarah Carr
MEAM Editor