The following sites are drawn from the World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA), compiled by the UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre. For reference, the North Pole is 90° N, the Equator is 0°, and each full degree of latitude equals 111 km. The longitudinal projection used was WGS84. Information on each of the MPAs is available at

1. Northeast Greenland National Park, Greenland

  • Northernmost point: 83.730° N
  • Total area: 972,000 km2 / Marine area: 110,600 km2

2. Quttinirpaaq National Park, Canada

  • Northernmost point: 83.151° N
  • Total area: 37,775 km2 / Marine area: 2342 km2

3. Zemlya Frantsa Iosifa / Franz Josef Land Zakaznik, Russia

  • Northernmost point: 82.194° N
  • Total area: 42,000 km2 / Marine area: 26,000 km2

4. Nordaust-Svalbard Nature Reserve, Norway

  • Northernmost point: 81.028° N
  • Total area: 55,354 km2 / Marine area: 36,891 km2

5. Nordvest Spitsbergen National Park, Norway

  • Northernmost point: 80.246° N
  • Total area: 9870 km2 / Marine area: 6231 km2