Dear Reader,

This issue marks the first anniversary of MPA News. Launched last July at the Coastal Zone ’99 conference in San Diego, California, USA, the newsletter now has subscribers on six continents, in 54 countries. Your fellow readers include the leaders of national MPA programs, international NGOs, and major fishing organizations, as well as news media, academics, and other interested individuals.

On behalf of the staff and editorial board of MPA News, I want to thank you for the positive support that has allowed the newsletter to grow as it has, with little advertising on our part.

We will continue to improve our product. While our quality of news and analysis will remain constant, we will feature more perspective pieces written by experts in the field. We’ll also provide updates on stories we’ve covered in past issues. In addition, we’ll soon launch our new design of the paper version, making it more visually appealing and easier to use.

One year ago, I wrote, “MPA News is here to serve the MPA community, informing people and bringing them together.” That remains our purpose. Let us know how we’re doing. I look forward to hearing from you.


John B. Davis